Soal un bahasa inggris
Soal un bahasa inggris

Mintalah bantuan guru, orang tua dan teman untuk latihan berdialogmu. Kemampuanmu akan meningkat jika banyak berlatih. Soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP/MTS 2018 PDF(Paket 1) 2. Langsung saja berikut kami berikan link untuk download: 1.

#Soal un bahasa inggris pdf

Kamu hanya perlu menguasai greeting sederhana dan beberapa jenis kosakata seperti nama tempat dan benda di sekitarmu. Download Soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP MTS 2018 PDF Berikut kami bagikan link untuk men-dowload secara gratis PDF soal UN (Ujian Nasional) bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTS tahun 2018. Materi dan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 2 cukup mudah. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 tentang Greetingġ. What does Farla’s best friend like to order?Ĭ. I usually go there with my bestfriend, Lisa. We may go to a canteen at 10 am as break time and 1 PM at lunch time. There are sausage stall, meatball stall, noodles stall, ice cream stall, beverage stall, and bread stall. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Food and Drink Who is Indah’s grandfather and grandmother?Ĭ.

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Sometimes my uncle, Tono, and his wife Tika come to my house. My father is Budi and my mother is Ani, My grandfather is Rudi and my grandmother is Tina, My brother is Akbar and my sisters are Lala and Lili. They are father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, two younger sisters and an older brother. Where do you go if you have stomahache?ġ0. Mom has 3 jasmine plants, 4 rose plants, and 2 aster plants.ħ. Ani’s father works at the police station. Because we have same way to our destination, he always drops me to the school.ĭemikian artikel pembahasan tentang” Contoh Soal Essay Mid Semester Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA“, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa ikuti postingan kami berikutnya.3. Everyday before going to school I always comb his curly hair and prepare his black shoes. He looks almost wild but he is kind father. The plan obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide from the atmosphere. Read the following text and answer number 1-5 In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Untuk soal yang dibagikan ini adalah soal Try Out UNBK Bahasa Inggris DKI Jakarta 2020 tentang soal prediksi yang telah disusun semirip mungkin dan bahkan persis dengan soal UNBK 2019 sesuai dengan indikator kisi-kisi UN 2020 jadi dapat dijadikan referensi dan sumber belajar untuk menebak soal seperti apa yang barangkali keluar pada saat Ujian Nasional 2020. Then, you have answer the questions based on the text below I have a father he is the most handsome boy in my live. Latihan Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa SMP.

  • So, what is the good massage from the text to you?.
  • You can see it in the Batu manis Malin Kundang, Padang, West Sumatra. Malin’s ship continued to sail, in the ocean it was hit by the great wave and storm and it was destroyed and Malin became a stone. Her anger made her to say “you will be a stone if you are not my son”. She was so sad and cried but Malin did not care of her. Unfortunately, when she got the ship, Malin did not admit her mother and mocked her. She was so happy to hear that and wanted to visited them in the ship.

    soal un bahasa inggris

    One day, they stopped over in Malin’s island, and Malin’s friend knew them and told to Malin’s mother. They lived and sailed from island to island with the huge ship.

    soal un bahasa inggris

    he married her and told that he did not have any family more. One day, Malin asked to work in the city, at the first time her mom did not give the permission but the finally, she gave it. They had to sell the wood to earn the money or barter to the other thing. Number 5-6 are based on the text bellow Once upon the time, there was a family which there were an old woman and her son, Maling Kundang. The underlines sentence, it is expression of ………………….

    Soal un bahasa inggris